The Kòsa Musacchio Law Firm was founded in Milan by Avv. Francesco Musacchio and Avv. Margherita Kòsa, two young and ambitious lawyers, with proven preparation and experience in tax law (Click Avvocato) and civil law in general.

The professional and qualified information and service, offered by the Kòsa Musacchio Law Firm to its clients (companies, professionals and private individuals), are guaranteed by the joint work of many lawyers, in close collaboration with the Firm, specializing in different areas of law, representing a modern professional reality capable of keeping up with the times and ensuring the best results.

Avv. Margherita Kòsa, a young, dynamic lawyer qualified before lower courts is particularly focused on tax law (petitions for the annulment of tax claims, amicable tax assessments, challenge of tax assessment notices, tax payment requests, payment injunctions, notices and registration of administrative seizures, mortgages and tax attachments), EU law (collection of payables in the EU area, EU family law, recognition of foreign executive judgement and enforcement thereof in Italy, transfer of businesses and assets abroad) and civil law.

Avv. Francesco Musacchio, a young expert in tax law (defender for more than 15 years of Equitalia), business law and immigration law, with particular precision and efficiency is able to inform 360 ° the clients of the Firm in relation to the problems followed.

Avv. Primo Osvaldo Augeri, a dynamic, brilliant lawyer, with a diversified, long lasting (40 years) and in-depth experience in the legal field, specializes in criminal matters (white–collar crimes and others, – complaints, denunciations, petitions, defense of crime victims, defense of accused or under investigations persons, intervention of crime victims in civil proceedings), civil matters (collection of payables, restoration of damages, traffic and professional accidents, insurance law, consumer law and contract law) and family law matters.

Avv. Marco Cadeddu, a young lawyer specializing in labor law, with great precision and efficiency provides clients with a 360 degree advice on any aspect of labor matters (challenge of dismissal, collection of labor-related amounts, restoration of damages occurred at workplace, re-characterization of work relationships).

The success of the Law Firm also benefits from a multidisciplinary approach and an efficient collaboration with a network of various professionals (accountants, graphologists, psychologists, coroners). The professionals at the Lawfirm speak various languages, including French, English, Hungarian, Romanian, and can use such languages professionally in advising clients, negotiating contracts and, more generally, dealing with legal issues.

An important strength of the Law Firm is the adoption of up-to date legal and technological tools, ensuring that their services offered be at all times efficient, timely and tailored to the actual needs of its clients, in all cases on a cost transparent basis.


Professional skills
Lost causes

skills areas

Tax law

Ricorsi avverso avvisi di accertamento, ruoli, cartelle di pagamento Equitalia, ingiunzioni di pagamento, fermi amministrativi, ipoteche e pignoramenti fiscali.

Civil law / procedural civil law

Recupero crediti, risarcimento danni, infortunistica stradale e professionale, diritto delle assicurazioni, del consumatore, contrattualistica.

Criminal law / procedural criminal law

Denunce-querele, difesa dell’imputato, costituzione di parte civile nel processo penale, difesa della parte offesa / parte civile.

Family law

Separazioni consensuali (negoziazione assistita), divorzi congiunti (negoziazione assistita), separazioni e divorzi giudiziali, contratti di convivenza, unioni civili, accordi, scritture private per regolamentare rapporti di famiglia.

Labor law

Impugnazione licenziamento, recupero somme relative a rapporti di lavoro, risarcimento danni a seguito degli infortuni sul lavoro.

European Union law

Recupero somme su tutto il territorio europeo, diritto di famiglia europeo, riconoscimento titoli esecutivi emessi all’estero e la loro relativa esecuzione, trasferimento aziende ed attività aziendali all’estero.

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